HAPA Joins the European Medicinal Cannabis Association

HAPA Joins the European Medicinal Cannabis Association

We are excited to announce that HAPA is now a member of the European Medicinal Cannabis Association (EUMCA). The EUMCA is the authoritative voice for the medicinal cannabis industry sector in Europe, and we are proud to now be a part of this important organization.

Sita Schubert, the founder and general secretary of the EUMCA, welcomes HAPA as a new member. “I am delighted to welcome HAPA as a member. With their innovative force and commitment to pharmaceutical development, HAPA shows a sustainable concern for the needs of patients” says Schubert.

The mission of the EUMCA is to improve the life and health outcomes of patients across Europe, by facilitating the development of national government healthcare policies that advocate the ethical prescription of pharmaceutical-grade medicinal cannabis and advance patient access to treatments.

As member of the EUMCA, we will contribute to the development and support of policies that create a positive environment for the use of pharmaceutical-grade medicinal cannabis​.

Our membership in one of the leading European associations for medicinal cannabis underscores our commitment to stabilizing and promoting medicinal cannabis in Europe” says Walter Krispin, CEO of HAPA.

We look forward to collaborating with the EUMCA and contributing to the advancement of this exciting industry.

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